Back from my hols early on Sat & weather looked fine so last minute decision to pop over to Warwick for the 110k ride.
Beautiful perfect cycling day - slightly chilly at first but warmed up - but still enough coolness to be comfortable.
Heading west then north I was racing long in a peloton led by a Mark Cavendish 'clone' in an HTC fact I think it was Mark himself and we flew along in his wake.
Eventually I realised I had to slow down a bit & eased down into the tea break at Great Alne - same villlage hall as used on the MacRide last year - an interesting golfy converstion was enjoyed up to this point.
I didn't stop long & sped off & caught another peloton. Here I met Andrew who is on the same L2P route as me in July! We discussed insurance & other medical issues as we sped along.
Then came the 100m/100k split...two of us carried on, the other 18 going on the 100m!!
Quick chat with a young fella on his first ride...lunch in Long Manton and headed home.
A slight breeze had now developed, and as usual was a slight head wind (Devils breath!!)
Anyway I powered on largely on my own but overtaking a few stragglers getting back to the Racecourse (must go to a race meeting there...) in an incredible (for me) average speed of 17.2 mph! The early pace was 18mph+.
Great ride, great countryside and great to be back on lightweight sleek 'Belle' after being on the old Tractor last week!!
Looking at the map I've just realised I wasn't far from old DooGood's village of Studley! Must get over for a (road bike) ride with you & Ron sometime soon mate!
Squires & Shires next week!
Need to get the sponsorship stuff going now...if you are reading this & feel you can sponsor Luke & me we'd be eternally grateful!Link 3h59m @ 17.2(!)mph 3033ft climb