This was the Peterborough CC organised Sportive.
Despite storms in other parts of the UK the morning was absolutely perfect! Blue skies and only a light wind. We left Southwick soon (after a wasp sting to my head) at Harringworth, then Liddington, around the beautiful Eve =brrok Resevoir and after a fast stretch scrounged a cup of tea off Tim in Medbourne. Then up the steep Nevill Holt Hill and a run through past Goadby and onto the B6-47 through the Langtons. A second stop at the Rockingham Wheelers base in Middleton and we were ready for the three major hills home Cottingham.Rockingham and Harrington. Pretty weary we came home in good spirits...nice pint of SHACKLEBUSH Ale(!) eassed them aching legs.
Well thats the major training all done - MANY THANKS to ALL who have sposored us - we now feel fit & ready for the 'off' in 10 days....
90m 5h57m @15.3mph 4100ft climb
Good going. Nice ale!