Still hoping to get under 2 hours round this undulating 34miles
Ride 1 had North wind & 1h3m to Deene - then hit 2 hrs as I entered Kettering just N of the Footy ground. Met bloke from Orlingbury - recognised he was the fella who 'helped' me with a slow puncture a few years back. One more pump he said...BANG!! Tyre blew! He's just done L2P with DA & is hoping to do the LEJOG - I told him he MUST... Talking og BANG just N of Pipwell my attention was taken off the road by 2 cyclists in the distance..siddenly I was in...and... out of a nasty pot hole (sharp stones at front end & VERY deep - see pic) - POPPPPFFFTTTT!!!! back tyre blown. Whel off tube out tube in wheel how does this bleeding CO2 pump work then?? Sorted - back on the road & home in time for shower & straight to work!
Ride 2 Tim came over & we set off at 0800. Being a weekday morning the traffic slowed us down & even with a slight tail wind made Deene by 1h5m. Round the arse end of Corby it was busy until we got off onto the Pipwell Road. - Then a lovely run home - both of us feeling strong & perhaps wanting a few more miles
34.2m 2h6m34.2m 2h15m
'one more pump' ha ha, that's so funny..