Monday, 23 August 2010

London to Paris July 2011

In recent months I have decided to do L2P again next year - originally with my third son, Luke. However he is not showing much enthusiasm for cycling (ie ZERO!) so I may be on my own - hopefully with the company of one or two friends.
The plan is to go with ActionMedicalResearch rather than DA as they offer 4 different routes, including one via Portsmouth/StMalo/Chartres which looks appealing.
Also they get all the 5 route groups to Paris For Sat 23rd July. That means we can all be in Paris to see the finale of the Tour de France the next day before shooting home on the Eurostar!
So I'm booking the leave & will see if any of my 'novice' cyclists friends want to join me, along with maybe 'non-novice' DooGood, who is now very experienced & just off on LEJOG again soon, this time with minimal support (see his blog)
Anyway it'll all increase my motivation to keep pedalling each week, especially as the temperature drops & daylight shortens...YUK!
Woke early on Sunday morning - beautiful blue sky & little wind after a blustery shitty saturday. I'm cross with myself that I couldn't be bothered to go out on a ride. My annual total stands at 981 miles & I could have polished off the 19 needed to hit 1000....Next time I WILL get up & out....

LEJOG 2010 - the lucky 32 set off on 31/8/10
Martin is one of them:-

Friday, 20 August 2010

15th & 11th August - Up round Corby...twice!

Still hoping to get under 2 hours round this undulating 34miles
Ride 1 had North wind & 1h3m to Deene - then hit 2 hrs as I entered Kettering just N of the Footy ground. Met bloke from Orlingbury - recognised he was the fella who 'helped' me with a slow puncture a few years back. One more pump he said...BANG!! Tyre blew! He's just done L2P with DA & is hoping to do the LEJOG - I told him he MUST... Talking og BANG just N of Pipwell my attention was taken off the road by 2 cyclists in the distance..siddenly I was in...and... out of a nasty pot hole (sharp stones at front end & VERY deep - see pic) - POPPPPFFFTTTT!!!! back tyre blown. Whel off tube out tube in wheel how does this bleeding CO2 pump work then?? Sorted - back on the road & home in time for shower & straight to work!
Ride 2 Tim came over & we set off at 0800. Being a weekday morning the traffic slowed us down & even with a slight tail wind made Deene by 1h5m. Round the arse end of Corby it was busy until we got off onto the Pipwell Road. - Then a lovely run home - both of us feeling strong & perhaps wanting a few more miles
34.2m 2h6m
34.2m 2h15m

Monday, 9 August 2010

8/8/10 The Suffolk Coast

Did this ride in 2009 - stayed at the same 'Forest camping' site in the centre of Rendlesham Forest!
Knocked off the 8 miles to the start before the starters had started! So I carried on like the hare in a Greyhound Race before some slick 'Specialized' riders took me down. It felt great to be back on Belle but the saddle felt very hard!
I battled against a strong NW wind but was soon at Southwold Peir enjoying coffee & chips at 10am! Chatted to a fella who's off on a 1000k Barcelona to Monte carlo ride soon - would need smart gear for the casino!
71m @16mph

25/7-1/8/10 gran canaria fun

ever decreasing beach circles, Maspalonas lighthouse in background

Whilst out on holiday I hired a crappy squeaky wobbly mountain bike thing for some early morning rides.
These were mainly out & along the beach before it got too hot
Lots of sweat produced and about 70 miles done (which is the equivalent of 150m+ on lovely 'belle')
70 miles @ probably 9mph!