Monday, 30 December 2013

Review of 2013 and Plans for 2014 .....2740 miles completed

No entries this year but I was out cycling most weeks.
Saving the details via the STRAVA App.
Plan to start blogging again as we head into 2014....

2013 - enthusiasm as strong as ever. Plenty of solo rides and enjoying the KCC Club Runs

Hoping to pass that elusive 3000 miles for the year
I hope to ride the rideLondon100 again

Sunday, 24 February 2013

The Snowdrop Audax 16th february 2013

Thanks do DooGood for the great photo.
A misty start and cold day, but not as cold as previous years - still not cold enough for Simes to wear leggings!
...more when I get time

january 2013

Hello - I haven't gone away!
january pretty cold and snowbound but I managed to achieve my 100 mile target through a few KCC Sunday am Club runs with Roger and the boys.
No major rides but excitely awaiting the result of my application for the rideLondon100 ride in August.
If I get in that'll be my focus for the year.
Next months the annual meet up with the LEJOG boys on the Snowdrop audax.
Jan 111miles